You rely on your coffee machine to provide you and your visitors some delicious coffee. However, natural minerals found in water can accumulate in your appliance over time, influencing taste, brewing time, and machine function. Because of this, it’s critical to regularly clean your coffee maker.
Cleaning your coffee maker every day and regularly descale it will help you receive the best brew possible. Coffee splashes, oils, and other stains that can be easily eliminated with a fast rinse or soapy water can be avoided with daily cleaning.
Descaling eliminates calcium, magnesium, and other minerals from your water that cause limescale buildup in your coffee maker.
How to Clean Your Coffee Maker?
You might be surprised to learn how simple it is to clean and descal a coffee maker. All you have to do to thoroughly clean a coffee maker is switch it off, take out all of its components, add coffee maker cleanser, and then run a cleaning or brew cycle.
What You Need for Cleaning a Coffee Maker
- For coffee to taste wonderful, your coffee maker needs to be cleaned. Continue reading to find out the proper way for cleaning your coffee machine.
- Light soap
- Warm water
- Instruments
- A soft cloth
- The washer (optional)
Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning a Coffee Maker
Here’s a step by step guide
Step 1: Clean the Outside of the Coffee Maker
Don’t soak your drip coffee maker in water; instead, use a moist towel to wipe the outside of the coffee maker clean. You should also wipe the showerhead every day to get rid of coffee residue and splashes.
Step 2: Use warm, soapy water to wash your coffee maker.
To find out which parts of your coffee maker should be hand-washed, consult your owner’s handbook. This typically consists of the coffee pot, cover, filter basket, reusable filter, and occasionally the water reservoir, among other detachable components. Give these items a short rinsing in warm soapy water and let them dry if you can’t wash them straight away.
Step 3: Use your dishwasher to clean
It’s possible that some parts are dishwasher safe. Simply putting them in the top row of your dishwashing machine for a deeper washing once a week can save you some time and manual labor.
Step 4: Allow Compartments to Dry Openly
To aid in the machine’s drying out in between uses, keep the filter basket and reservoir lid open. This can lessen the amount of moist that is trapped inside, which can help stop bacteria from growing.
How to Remove Mineral Buildup with Vinegar
Using vinegar to descale a coffee maker is an easy method to maintain optimal performance. After removing the filters and grinds, fill the reservoir as full as possible with half water and half white diluted vinegar. Empty the carafe, run a cleaning or brew cycle, and then run two or three additional brew cycles using cold, fresh water. Rinse well after washing the brew basket and carafe in hot, soapy water.
The moderate acidity of vinegar aids in the breakdown of mineral accumulation in the coffee machine. If you don’t have access to a specialty coffee machine descaling agent, this is an excellent at-home solution.
Alternative Cleaning Methods Without Vinegar
Step 1: Start a brewing cycle.
Use the specified amounts of water and descaling solution to operate the pot of coffee through a full brewing cycle. If your coffee machine has a cleaning cycle that is pre-programmed, finish it by following the directions in your user manual.
Step 2: Switch Off the Signal Light
If the Cleaning Needed Display light on your coffee maker remains lit after the cycle of brewing is finished, restart Step 1 until the display stops lighting up.
Step 3: Clean the Coffee Maker
Run the coffee maker through two brewing cycles, each time using a full carafe of cool, fresh water to rinse it.
Step 4: Clean the Brew Basket
Rinse with hot water after washing the carafe and brew basket in hot, soapy water.
Step 5: Put the water filter back in place
Change the water filter or reinstall it. To let the filter dry, keep the lid open.
Cleaning a Single-Serve Coffee Maker (Keurig, Nespresso, etc.)
Many of the same steps and supplies listed above are needed to clean a Keurig coffee maker. You will need dish soap to clean away coffee residue from every element and distilled white vinegar to eliminate scale and buildup. A Keurig coffee maker’s detachable parts may be cleaned in a dishwasher.
Final Thoughts
How frequently you use your coffee maker will determine how often it needs to be cleaned. It’s a good idea to give your coffee maker a thorough cleaning once a month if you brew coffee every day. Cleansing with vinegar is an option till every three to six months for people who use it less frequently. Your coffee maker will notify you when it’s time for a thorough cleaning, so don’t worry if you miss track of time.